Sometimes, a tiny moment is all it takes to change everything. The Camino showed me that life doesn’t always need a perfect plan, but often just the courage to follow your heart. And so, that small step turned into a whole new life – filled with gratitude, adventure, and unexpected encounters.

Almost every pilgrim knows this! The closer you get to Santiago, the more you look left and right along the path. "What could my life on the Camino be like?" "Where could I live along the Camino?"
I was no exception! Still, I tried to push these thoughts out of my head every day – without success!
The house, to the left of the Camino, on the last day of my pilgrimage, found me! But it wasn’t for sale! And deep down, I wasn’t ready to take that step. It wasn’t until seven Caminos and five years later, on the very evening I returned home from my last permaculture course, that Marie Carmen called me. "We’re ready to sell the house now, along with the large plot of land!"
Immediately, I sold everything! Packed my boxes, hired a moving company, gathered my dogs, and moved into a house that had stood empty for decades! No heating! Mold from floor to ceiling! A garden that was more like a field!
And yet, I was happier than ever before!
I wanted to grow my own vegetables, harvest my own fruit, and support pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela!
I opened my garden, set out water and coffee, baked cakes daily, and tended to sore feet.
And then, the Camino began to take care of me: it sent me completely exhausted pilgrims! The first ones slept on the floor in the closet. I wasn’t prepared to host pilgrims. A few days later, I gave up my bedroom to two pilgrims. And more and more pilgrims kept coming!
I followed my heart, unafraid of an uncertain future – and I was rewarded!
Since April 2012, I’ve ended every day with two words: **THANK YOU.**